With 401k Census, we work with you to customize your 401k plan and its related self-service administration and participation systems (called "Gateways") to the needs of your company and its employees.
Below are your basic 401k Census plan customization options; contact us if you want free help with understanding any of your options and/or their typical effects on a 401k plan serving a company of your size. Click on the option to access a secondary window defining it and listing the specific parameters open to you.
We customize your 401k Census 401k plan administration and participation centers with your customization choices; the system thereafter integrates all relevant aspects of your particular 401k plan into each of its administration and participation functions.
Any item you choose not to include within your 401k plan will be completely omitted from your customized plan administration and participation systems, not merely dimmed out or otherwise disabled yet visible. Thus, employees will never be left wondering why their 401k plan doesn't offer dimmed-out items (such as particular investments or 401k loans, for instance).
Remember, contact us if you want free help with understanding any of your options and/or their typical effects on a 401k plan serving a company of your size.